Hong Kong Moths

Saturniidae found in Hong Kong

This page is an index to the Saturniidae species of Hong Kong. Each link (once active) leads to species information page containing details about that species.

SAT Actias ningpoana
Actias ningpoana

Actias sinensis

SAT Attacus atlas
Attacus atlas

SAT Samia wangi - Lesser Atlas Moth; Ailanthus Silk Moth
Samia wangi

SAT Saturnia pyretorum
Saturnia pyretorum

SAT Loepa sikkima
Loepa sikkima

Loepa katinka

SAT Antheraea pernyi
Antheraea pernyi

these photos may also be accessed on hkmoths Flickr set of Saturniidae

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© R. C. Kendrick, 2016
last updated 11th December 2016